Asbestos Contractor/Supervisor Initial (REGISTER)
Contractor/Supervisor (5 days $675.00) training for Asbestos Abatement is a comprehensive course including two days of hands-on training which reinforces class work and introduces actual workplace situations. This course meets the OSHA requirements for Class I and Class II Competent Person under 1926.1101, as well as the federal AHERA and ASHARA requirements for contractors and supervisors, and the National Emission Standard for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAPs) requirements for “on-site supervisor”. This course is accredited in Illinois and Missouri.
Contractor/Supervisor Topics:
Background Information and Mineralogy 
Health Effects of Asbestos;
OSHA & U.S.EPA Regulations;
Personal Protection;
Medical Surveillance;
Insurance & Legal Issues;
Contract Specifications;
Abatement Techniques;
Sampling & Analysis;
Control Techniques;
Program Management & Record Keeping;
Waste Disposal.
Asbestos Building Inspector Initial (REGISTER)
The Building Inspector (3-days, $550.00) course is required for individuals identifying, evaluating Asbestos-Containing Materials located in Elementary and Secondary Educational facilities (schools).
The Inspector course is required at a minimum for individuals performing Asbestos Inspections in Commercial & Public facilities, specifically prior to Renovation & Demolition activities. These courses meet requirements established by the Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act, the Asbestos School Hazard Abatement Reauthorization Act, the Illinois Department of Public Health ant the Missouri Department of Natural Resources.
Building Inspector Topics :
Characteristics of Asbestos;
Asbestos Related Health Effects;
Regulatory Requirements;
Asbestos-Containing Material Identification;
Personal Protection;
Building Plans;
Mechanical Systems;
Record Keeping Systems;
Asbestos-Containing Material Assessment Techniques;
Sampling & Analysis.
This (5 days $675.00) comprehensive training is recommended for all employees who have a potential for hazardous substance exposure while performing their required duties. It meets off-site training requirements for general site workers and RCRA operations site workers. Emergency response personnel and other hazardous materials workers will find this course to be extremely valuable for initial training. At least 1/3 of this training involves hands-on exercises.
- Properties of hazardous substances;
- Hazards recognition and incident prevention;
- Selection, use and care of personal protective equipment;
- Site safety and health responsibilities, plans and procedures;
- Emergency response planning and spill containment;
- Decontamination methods and procedures;
- Safe work practices and more.
Note: Respirator fit testing is available upon request.